

Protolanguages That Are Semi-holophrastic

14 years 6 months ago
Protolanguages That Are Semi-holophrastic
There is an ongoing debate about whether the words in the first languages spoken by humans expressed single concepts or complex holophrases. A computer model was used to investigate the nature of the protolanguages that would arise if speakers could associate words and meanings, but lacked any productive ability beyond saying the word whose past uses most closely matched the meaning that they wished to express. It was found that both words expressing single concepts, and holophrastic words could arise, depending on the conceptual and articulatory abilities of the agents. However, most words were of an intermediate type, as they expressed more than a single concept but less than a holophrase. The model therefore demonstrates that protolanguages may have been of types that are not usually considered in the debate over the nature of the first human languages.
Mike Dowman
Added 07 Jun 2010
Updated 07 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where ECAL
Authors Mike Dowman
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