

Generalization-Based Similarity for Conceptual Clustering

14 years 8 months ago
Generalization-Based Similarity for Conceptual Clustering
The availability of techniques for comparing descriptions has many applications in Artificial Intelligence, ranging from description selection to flexible matching, from instance-based learning to clustering. Due to the complexity of handling First-Order Logic formulæ, where the presence of relations causes various portions of one description to be possibly mapped in different ways onto another description, few works are available in the literature for this kind of representations. This paper tackles the case of Conceptual Clustering, where a new approach to similarity evaluation, based on both syntactic and semantic features, is exploited to support the task of grouping together similar items according to their relational description. After presenting a framework for Horn Clauses (including criteria, a function and composition techniques for similarity assessment), classical clustering algorithms are exploited to carry out the grouping task. Experimental results on real-world data...
Stefano Ferilli, Teresa Maria Altomare Basile, Nic
Added 07 Jun 2010
Updated 07 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where ECML
Authors Stefano Ferilli, Teresa Maria Altomare Basile, Nicola Di Mauro, Marenglen Biba, Floriana Esposito
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