

Extending Description Logics with Uncertainty Reasoning in Possibilistic Logic

14 years 9 months ago
Extending Description Logics with Uncertainty Reasoning in Possibilistic Logic
Possibilistic logic provides a convenient tool for dealing with inconsistency and handling uncertainty. In this paper, we propose possibilistic description logics as an extension of description logics. We give semantics and syntax of possibilistic description logics. We then define two inference services in possibilistic description logics. Since possibilistic inference suffers from the drowning problem, we consider a drowning-free variant of possibilistic inference, called linear order inference. Finally, we implement the algorithms for inference services in possibilistic description logics using KAON2 reasoner.
Guilin Qi, Jeff Z. Pan, Qiu Ji
Added 07 Jun 2010
Updated 07 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Authors Guilin Qi, Jeff Z. Pan, Qiu Ji
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