We present a novel method for modeling dynamic visual
phenomena, which consists of two key aspects. First, the in-
tegral motion of constituent elements in a dynamic scene is
captured by a common underlying geometric transform pro-
cess. Second, a Lie algebraic representation of the trans-
form process is introduced, which maps the transformation
group to a vector space, and thus overcomes the difficul-
ties due to the group structure. Consequently, the statis-
tical learning techniques based on vector spaces can be
readily applied. Moreover, we discuss the intrinsic con-
nections between the Lie algebra and the Linear dynamical
processes, showing that our model induces spatially vary-
ing fields that can be estimated from local motions without
continuous tracking. Following this, we further develop a
statistical framework to robustly learn the flow models from
noisy and partially corrupted observations. The proposed
methodology is demonstrated on real world phenomenon,...
Dahua Lin, W. Eric L. Grimson, John W. Fisher III