

Towards Active Conceptual Modelling for Sudden Events

14 years 8 months ago
Towards Active Conceptual Modelling for Sudden Events
There are a number of issues for information systems which are required to collect data urgently that are not well accommodated by current conceptual modelling methodologies and as a result the modelling step (and the use of databases) is often omitted. Such issues include the fact that • the number of instances for each entity are relatively low resulting in data definition taking a disproportionate amount of effort, • the storage of data and the retrieval of information must take priority over the full definition of a schema describing that data, • they undergo regular structural change and are thus subject to information loss as a result of changes to the schema’s information capacity, • finally, the structure of the information is likely to be only partially known or for which there are multiple, perhaps contradictory, competing hypotheses as to the underlying structure. This paper presents the Low Instance-to-Entity Ratio (LItER) Model, which attempts to circumvent ...
John F. Roddick, Aaron Ceglar, Denise de Vries
Added 07 Jun 2010
Updated 07 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where ER
Authors John F. Roddick, Aaron Ceglar, Denise de Vries
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