

Static Analysis by Policy Iteration on Relational Domains

14 years 7 months ago
Static Analysis by Policy Iteration on Relational Domains
We give a new practical algorithm to compute, in finite time, a fixpoint (and often the least fixpoint) of a system of equations in the abstract numerical domains of zones and templates used for static analprograms by abstract interpretation. This paper extends previous work on the non-relational domain of intervals to relational domains. The algorithm is based on policy iteration techniques– rather than Kleene iterations as used classically in static analysis– and generates from the system of equations a finite set of simpler systems that we call policies. This set of policies satisfies a selection property which ensures that the minimal fixpoint of the original system of equations is the minimum of the fixpoints of the policies. Computing a fixpoint of a policy is done by linear programming. It is shown, through experiments made on a prototype analyzer, compared in particular to analyzers such as LPInv or the Octagon Analyzer, to be in general more precise and faster than...
Stephane Gaubert, Eric Goubault, Ankur Taly, Sarah
Added 07 Jun 2010
Updated 07 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where ESOP
Authors Stephane Gaubert, Eric Goubault, Ankur Taly, Sarah Zennou
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