

Contract-Driven Development

14 years 6 months ago
Contract-Driven Development
Although unit tests are recognized as an important tool in software development, programmers prefer to write code, rather than unit tests. Despite the emergence of tools like JUnit which automate part of the process, unit testing remains a time-consuming, resource-intensive, and not particularly appealing activity. This paper introduces a new development method, called Contract Driven Development. This development method is based on a novel mechanism that extracts test cases from failure-producing runs that the programmers trigger. It exploits actions that developers perform anyway as part of their normal process of writing code. Thus, it takes the task of writing unit tests off the developers’ shoulders, while still taking advantage of their knowledge of the intended semantics and structure of the code. The approach is based on the presence of contracts in code, which act as the oracle of the test cases. The test cases are extracted completely automatically, are run in the backgrou...
Bertrand Meyer
Added 07 Jun 2010
Updated 07 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where FASE
Authors Bertrand Meyer
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