

Recovering Specular Surfaces Using Curved Line Images

14 years 8 months ago
Recovering Specular Surfaces Using Curved Line Images
We present a new shape-from-distortion framework for recovering specular (reflective/refractive) surfaces. While most existing approaches rely on accurate correspondences between 2D pixels and 3D points, we focus on analyzing the curved images of 3D lines which we call curved line images or CLIs. Our approach models CLIs of local reflections or refractions using the recently proposed general linear cameras (GLCs)[23]. We first characterize all possible CLIs in a GLC. We show that a 3D line will appear as a conic in any GLC. For a fixed GLC, the conic type is invariant to the position and orientation of the line and is determined by the GLC parameters. Furthermore, CLIs under single reflection/refraction can only be lines or hyperbolas. Based on our new theory, we develop efficient algorithms to use multiple CLIs to recover the GLC camera parameters. We then apply the curvature-GLC theory to derive the Gaussian and mean curvatures from the GLC intrinsics. This leads to a complete distor...
Yuanyuan Ding, Jingyi Yu, Peter Sturm
Added 07 Jun 2010
Updated 07 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where CVPR
Authors Yuanyuan Ding, Jingyi Yu, Peter Sturm
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