

Constrained Stress Majorization Using Diagonally Scaled Gradient Projection

14 years 9 months ago
Constrained Stress Majorization Using Diagonally Scaled Gradient Projection
Abstract. Constrained stress majorization is a promising new technique for integrating application specific layout constraints into forcedirected graph layout. We significantly improve the speed and convergence properties of the constrained stress-majorization technique for graph layout by employing a diagonal scaling of the stress function. Diagonal scaling requires the active-set quadratic programming solver used in the projection step to be extended to handle separation constraints with scaled variables, i.e. of the form siyi + gij ≤ sjyj. The changes, although relatively small, are quite subtle and explained in detail.
Tim Dwyer, Kim Marriott
Added 07 Jun 2010
Updated 07 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where GD
Authors Tim Dwyer, Kim Marriott
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