

Optimal antenna placement using a new multi-objective chc algorithm

14 years 7 months ago
Optimal antenna placement using a new multi-objective chc algorithm
Radio network design (RND) is a fundamental problem in cellular networks for telecommunications. In these networks, the terrain must be covered by a set of base stations (or antennae), each of which defines a covered area called cell. The problem may be reduced to figure out the optimal placement of antennae out of a list of candidate sites trying to satisfy two objectives: to maximize the area covered by the radio signal and to reduce the number of used antennae. Consequently, RND is a bi-objective optimization problem. Previous works have solved the problem by using single-objective techniques which combine the values of both objectives. The used techniques have allowed to find optimal solutions according to the defined objective, thus yielding a unique solution instead of the set of Pareto optimal solutions. In this paper, we solve the RND problem using a multi-objective version of the algorithm CHC, which is the metaheuristic having reported the best results when solving the s...
Antonio J. Nebro, Enrique Alba, Guillermo Molina,
Added 07 Jun 2010
Updated 07 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Authors Antonio J. Nebro, Enrique Alba, Guillermo Molina, J. Francisco Chicano, Francisco Luna, Juan José Durillo
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