

Fast Multiple Shape Correspondence by Pre-Organizing Shape Instances

15 years 8 months ago
Fast Multiple Shape Correspondence by Pre-Organizing Shape Instances
Accurately identifying corresponded landmarks from a population of shape instances is the major challenge in constructing statistical shape models. In general, shapecorrespondence methods can be grouped into one of two categories: global methods and pair-wise methods. In this paper, we develop a new method that attempts to address the limitations of both the global and pair-wise methods. In particular, we reorganize the input population into a tree structure that incorporates global information about the population of shape instances, where each node in the tree represents a shape instance and each edge connects two very similar shape instances. Using this organized tree, neighboring shape instances can be corresponded efficiently and accurately by a pair-wise method. In the experiments, we evaluate the proposed method and compare its performance to five available shape correspondence methods and show the proposed method achieves the accuracy of a global method with sp...
Andrew Temlyakov, Brent C. Munsell, Song Wang
Added 09 May 2009
Updated 10 Dec 2009
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where CVPR
Authors Andrew Temlyakov, Brent C. Munsell, Song Wang
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