

Mining Frequent Closed Unordered Trees Through Natural Representations

14 years 8 months ago
Mining Frequent Closed Unordered Trees Through Natural Representations
Abstract. Many knowledge representation mechanisms consist of linkbased structures; they may be studied formally by means of unordered trees. Here we consider the case where labels on the nodes are nonexistent or unreliable, and propose data mining processes focusing on just the link structure. We propose a representation of ordered trees, describe a combinatorial characterization and some properties, and use them to propose an efficient algorithm for mining frequent closed subtrees from a set of input trees. Then we focus on unordered trees, and show that intrinsic characterizations of our representation provide for a way of avoiding the repeated exploration of unordered trees, and then we give an efficient algorithm for mining frequent closed unordered trees.
José L. Balcázar, Albert Bifet, Anto
Added 08 Jun 2010
Updated 08 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where ICCS
Authors José L. Balcázar, Albert Bifet, Antoni Lozano
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