

On the Integration of Web Modeling Languages

14 years 8 months ago
On the Integration of Web Modeling Languages
The Unified Modeling Language (UML) is considered as the lingua franca in software engineering. Despite various web modeling languages having emerged in the past decade, in the field of web engineering a pendant to UML cannot be found yet. In the light of this “method war” the question arises if a unification of the existing web modeling languages can be successfully applied in the style of UML’s development. In such a unification effort we defer the task of designing a “Unified Web Modeling Language”. Instead, we first aim at integrating three prominent representatives of the web modeling field, namely WebML, UWE, and OO-H, in order to gain a detailed understanding of their commonalities and differences as well as to identify the common concepts used in web modeling. This integration is based on specifying transformation rules allowing the transformation of WebML, UWE, and OO-H models into any other of the three languages, respectively. To this end, a major contribution of t...
Manuel Wimmer, Andrea Schauerhuber, Wieland Schwin
Added 08 Jun 2010
Updated 08 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where ICWE
Authors Manuel Wimmer, Andrea Schauerhuber, Wieland Schwinger, Horst Kargl
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