

Energy-optimized image communication on resource-constrained sensor platforms

14 years 6 months ago
Energy-optimized image communication on resource-constrained sensor platforms
Energy-efficient image communication is one of the most important goals for a large class of current and future sensor network applications. This paper presents a quantitative comparison between the energy costs associated with 1) direct transmission of uncompressed images and 2) sensor platform-based JPEG compression followed by transmission of the compressed image data. JPEG compression computations are mapped onto various resource-constrained sensor platforms using a design environment that allows computation using the minimum integer and fractional bit-widths needed in view of other approximations inherent in the compression process and choice of image quality parameters. Detailed experimental results examining the tradeoffs in processor resources, processing/transmission time, bandwidth utilization, image quality, and overall energy consumption are presented. Categories and Subject Descriptors D.2.2 [Software Engineering]: Design Tools and Techniques—software libraries; F.2.1 ...
Dong-U Lee, Hyungjin Kim, Steven Tu, Mohammad H. R
Added 08 Jun 2010
Updated 08 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where IPSN
Authors Dong-U Lee, Hyungjin Kim, Steven Tu, Mohammad H. Rahimi, Deborah Estrin, John D. Villasenor
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