

An Experimental Evaluation of the New OpenMP Tasking Model

14 years 8 months ago
An Experimental Evaluation of the New OpenMP Tasking Model
The OpenMP standard was conceived to parallelize dense array-based applications, and it has achieved much success with that. Recently, a novel tasking proposal to handle unstructured parallelism in OpenMP has been submitted to the OpenMP 3.0 Language Committee. We tested its expressiveness and flexibility, using it to parallelize a number of examples from a variety of different application areas. Furthermore, we checked whether the model can be implemented efficiently, evaluating the performance of an experimental implementation of the tasking proposal on an SGI Altix 4700, and comparing it to the performance achieved with Intel’s Workqueueing model and other worksharing alternatives currently available in OpenMP 2.5. We conclude that the new OpenMP tasks allow the expression of parallelism for a broad range of applications and that they will not hamper application performance.
Eduard Ayguadé, Alejandro Duran, Jay Hoefli
Added 08 Jun 2010
Updated 08 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where LCPC
Authors Eduard Ayguadé, Alejandro Duran, Jay Hoeflinger, Federico Massaioli, Xavier Teruel
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