

Graphs, Hypergraphs, and Inductive Logic Programming

14 years 6 months ago
Graphs, Hypergraphs, and Inductive Logic Programming
Abstract. There are many connections between graph mining and inductive logic programming (ILP), or more generally relational learning. Up till now these connections have mostly been described or exploited in an informal way. A more careful and formal study of them may lead to new insights in the relationships between the different learning formalisms, and possibly new methods for solving certain problems that rely on translating problems or algorithms from one setting to another. In this paper we initiate an investigation into this.
Hendrik Blockeel, Tijn Witsenburg, Joost N. Kok
Added 08 Jun 2010
Updated 08 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where MLG
Authors Hendrik Blockeel, Tijn Witsenburg, Joost N. Kok
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