

Reducing End-to-End Delay in Multi-path Routing Algorithms for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

14 years 7 months ago
Reducing End-to-End Delay in Multi-path Routing Algorithms for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
Some of the routing algorithms in mobile ad hoc networks use multiple paths simultaneously. These algorithms can attempt to find nodedisjoint paths to achieve higher fault tolerance capability. By using nodedisjoint paths, it is expected that the end-to-end delay in each path should be independent of each other. However, because of natural properties of wireless media and medium access mechanisms in ad hoc networks, the end-to-end delay between any source and destination depends on the pattern of communication in the neighborhood region. In this case some of the intermediate nodes should be silent to reverence their neighbors and this matter increases the average of end-to-end delay. To avoid this problem, multi-path routing algorithms can use zone-disjoint paths instead of node-disjoint paths. Two routes with no pair of neighbor nodes are called zone-disjoint paths. In this paper we propose a new multi-path routing algorithm that selects zone-disjoint paths, using omni-directional ant...
Nastooh Taheri Javan, Mehdi Dehghan
Added 08 Jun 2010
Updated 08 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where MSN
Authors Nastooh Taheri Javan, Mehdi Dehghan
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