

Optimal Congestion Control with Multipath Routing Using TCP-FAST and a Variant of RIP

14 years 6 months ago
Optimal Congestion Control with Multipath Routing Using TCP-FAST and a Variant of RIP
Abstract. This paper discusses an optimization-based approach for congestion control together with multipath routing in a TCP/IP network. In recent research we have shown how natural optimization problems for resource allocation can be solved in decentralized way across a network, by traffic sources adapting their rates and routers adapting their traffic splits, all using a common congestion measure. We present here a concrete implementation of such algorithms, based on queueing delay as congestion price. We use TCP-FAST for congestion control, and develop a multipath variant of the distance vector routing protocol RIP. We demonstrate through ns2-simulations the collective behavior of the system, in particular that it reaches the higher transfer rates available through multiple routes.
Enrique Mallada, Fernando Paganini
Added 08 Jun 2010
Updated 08 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Authors Enrique Mallada, Fernando Paganini
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