

A Hybrid Multi-group Privacy-Preserving Approach for Building Decision Trees

14 years 6 months ago
A Hybrid Multi-group Privacy-Preserving Approach for Building Decision Trees
In this paper, we study the privacy-preserving decision tree building problem on vertically partitioned data. We made two contributions. First, we propose a novel hybrid approach, which takes advantage of the strength of the two existing approaches, randomization and the secure multi-party computation (SMC), to balance the accuracy and efficiency constraints. Compared to these two existing approaches, our proposed approach can achieve much better accuracy than randomization approach and much reduced computation cost than SMC approach. We also propose a multi-group scheme that makes it flexible for data miners to control the balance between data mining accuracy and privacy. We partition attributes into groups, and develop a scheme to conduct groupbased randomization to achieve better data mining accuracy. We have implemented and evaluated the proposed schemes for the ID3 decision tree algorithm.
Zhouxuan Teng, Wenliang Du
Added 09 Jun 2010
Updated 09 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Authors Zhouxuan Teng, Wenliang Du
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