

Approximate Model-Based Diagnosis Using Greedy Stochastic Search

14 years 8 months ago
Approximate Model-Based Diagnosis Using Greedy Stochastic Search
Most algorithms for computing diagnoses within a modelbased diagnosis framework are deterministic. Such algorithms guarantee soundness and completeness, but are NPhard. To overcome this complexity problem, we propose a novel approximation approach for multiple-fault diagnosis, based on a greedy stochastic algorithm called SAFARI (StochAstic Fault diagnosis AlgoRIthm). SAFARI sacrifices guarantees of optimality, but for models in which component failure modes are defined solely in terms of a deviation from nominal behavior (known as weak fault models), it can compute 80-90% of all cardinality-minimal diagnoses, several orders of magnitude faster than state-of-the-art deterministic algorithms. We have applied this algorithm to the 74XXX and ISCAS-85 suites of benchmark combinatorial circuits, demonstrating order-of-magnitude speedup over a well-known deterministic algorithm, CDA∗ , for multiplefault diagnoses.
Alexander Feldman, Gregory M. Provan, Arjan J. C.
Added 09 Jun 2010
Updated 09 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where SARA
Authors Alexander Feldman, Gregory M. Provan, Arjan J. C. van Gemund
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