

Tag Mediated Society with SCOT Ontology

14 years 9 months ago
Tag Mediated Society with SCOT Ontology
Abstract. In this paper we give an overview of the for a social tagging, bookmarking, and sharing service. It is based on the SCOT ontology. The SCOT ontology can represent the structure and semantics for social tagging data and provide methods for sharing and reusing them. We describe how it enables users to participate in a semantic social tagging from functional point of view and show how allows users to save, tag, and search SCOT ontologies. All kinds of user contributions in the system will be exposed as RDF vocabularies that connect them. We believe it is a good starting point to build Semantic Web based society using tagging data.
Hak Lae Kim, Sung-Kwon Yang, Seung-Jae Song, John
Added 09 Jun 2010
Updated 09 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Authors Hak Lae Kim, Sung-Kwon Yang, Seung-Jae Song, John G. Breslin, Hong-Gee Kim
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