

A Software Architecture for Shared Resource Management in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

14 years 9 months ago
A Software Architecture for Shared Resource Management in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
We provide the implementation results of the distributed mutual exclusion algorithm based on Ricart-Agrawala algorithm for mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) using the ns2 simulator described in [2]. The MANET consists of a ring of clusters and it is partitioned into a number of clusters periodically using the MCA [11]. Each cluster is represented by a coordinator. We also show a new algorithm to construct a directed ring architecture across coordinators to be able to implement the distributed mutual exclusion algorithm. Coordinators implement various distributed mutual exclusion algorithms on behalf of any member in the cluster they represent. We show experimentally that the protocol designed is scalable and that it provides an order of decrease in message and time complexities when compared with other algorithms.
Orhan Dagdeviren, Kayhan Erciyes
Added 09 Jun 2010
Updated 09 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Authors Orhan Dagdeviren, Kayhan Erciyes
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