

Approximation Algorithms for 3D Orthogonal Knapsack

14 years 8 months ago
Approximation Algorithms for 3D Orthogonal Knapsack
We study non-overlapping axis-parallel packings of 3D boxes with profits into a dedicated bigger box where rotation is either forbidden or permitted; we wish to maximize the total profit. Since this optimization problem is NP-hard, we focus on approximation algorithms. We obtain fast and simple algorithms for the non-rotational scenario with approximation ratios 9 + and 8 + as well as an algorithm with approximation ratio 7 + that uses more sophisticated techniques; these are the smallest approximation ratios known for this problem. Furthermore, we show how the used techniques can be adapted to the case where rotation by 90◦ either around the z-axis or around all axes is permitted, where we obtain algorithms with approximation ratios 6 + and 5 + , respectively. Finally our methods yield a 3D generalization of a packability criterion and a strip packing algorithm with absolute approximation ratio 29/4, improving the previously best known result of 45/4. ∗ Research supported in par...
Florian Diedrich, Rolf Harren, Klaus Jansen, Ralf
Added 09 Jun 2010
Updated 09 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where TAMC
Authors Florian Diedrich, Rolf Harren, Klaus Jansen, Ralf Thöle, Henning Thomas
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