This paper proposes a novel descriptor, granularitytunable
gradients partition (GGP), for human detection.
The concept granularity is used to define the spatial and angular
uncertainty of the line segments in the Hough space.
Then this uncertainty is backprojected into the image space
by orientation-space partitioning to achieve efficient implementation.
By changing the granularity parameter, the level
of uncertainty can be controlled quantitatively. Therefore a
family of descriptors with versatile representation property
can be generated. Specifically, the finely granular GGP descriptors
can represent the specific geometry information of
the object (the same as Edgelet); while the coarsely granular
GGP descriptors can provide the statistical representation
of the object (the same as histograms of oriented gradients,
HOG). Moreover, the position, orientation, strength
and distribution of the gradients are embedded into a unified
descriptor to further improve the GGP’s...