

Logic Programming to Address Issues of the Semantic Web

14 years 9 months ago
Logic Programming to Address Issues of the Semantic Web
The size of the Web and its increase rate made it cumbersome to locate high precision results to a requested piece of information. The Semantic Web provides a framework and a set of technologies enabling an effective machine processable information, aiming at a better computer-computer and human-computer communication. What if, though, we use a both machine processable and human understandable approach which can also apply in existent HTML Web sources? In this work, we investigate the problems being solved with the Semantic Web technologies and how this can be coped with Logic Programming techniques, especially Modular Logic Programming. We discuss issues from the data level, metadata and reasoning. Last but not least, we discuss agents. What is more is that, we claim that these techniques can be applied in the current Web information sources providing formal semantics for some aspects of the traditional Web.
Isambo Karali
Added 09 Jun 2010
Updated 09 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where WEBI
Authors Isambo Karali
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