

Controlling Petri Net Process Models

14 years 9 months ago
Controlling Petri Net Process Models
We present and compare existing formalisms that consider the control of Petri net process models in the area of business processes and web services. Control has the aim to force a process to behave in a desirable way. Process models that behave properly without any control are often called “sound”. For process models that behave properly when being controlled, i.e., for controllable processes, there are various related notions, such as “relaxed soundness” and “weak soundness”. We argue that both, the usual notion of sound behavior and the usual notion of control by message passing can be generalized. This way, control synthesis results obtained in the field of automation can be reformulated and reused for business process models and in the area of web services.
Jörg Desel
Added 09 Jun 2010
Updated 09 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where WSFM
Authors Jörg Desel
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