

Fault Tolerant Scalable Support for Network Portability and Traffic Engineering

14 years 8 months ago
Fault Tolerant Scalable Support for Network Portability and Traffic Engineering
The P-SHIM6 architecture provides ISP independence to IPv6 sites without compromising scalability. This architecture is based on a middle-box, the P-SHIM6, which manages the SHIM6 protocol exchange on behalf of the nodes of a site, which are configured with provider independent addresses. Incoming and outgoing packets are processed by the P-SHIM6 box, which can assign different locators to a given communication, either when it is started, or dynamically after the communication has been established. As a consequence, changes required for provider portability are minimized, and fine-grained Traffic Engineering can be enforced at the P-SHIM6 box, in addition to the fault tolerance support provided by SHIM6.
Marcelo Bagnulo, Alberto García-Martí
Added 09 Jun 2010
Updated 09 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where WWIC
Authors Marcelo Bagnulo, Alberto García-Martínez, Arturo Azcorra
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