Interactive image segmentation traditionally involves the
use of algorithms such as Graph Cuts or Random Walker.
Common concerns with using Graph Cuts are metrication
artifacts (blockiness) and the shrinking bias (bias towards
shorter boundaries). The Random Walker avoids these
problems, but suffers from the proximity bias (sensitivity to
location of pixels labeled by the user). In this work, we
introduce a new family of segmentation algorithms that includes
Graph Cuts and Random Walker as special cases.
We explore image segmentation using continuous-valued
Markov Random Fields (MRFs) with probability distributions
following the p-norm of the difference between configurations
of neighboring sites. For p=1 these MRFs may
be interpreted as the standard binary MRF used by Graph
Cuts, while for p=2 these MRFs may be viewed as Gaussian
MRFs employed by the Random Walker algorithm. By allowing
the probability distribution for neighboring sites to
take any arbitrary p-norm (p...