

Unsupervised band removal leading to improved classification accuracy of hyperspectral images

14 years 8 months ago
Unsupervised band removal leading to improved classification accuracy of hyperspectral images
Remotely-sensed images of the earth’s surface are used across a wide range of industries and applications including agriculture, mining, defence, geography and geology, to name but a few. Hyperspectral sensors produce these images by providing reflectance data from the earth’s surface over a broad range of wavelengths or bands. Some of the bands suffer from a low signal-tonoise ratio (SNR) and do not contribute to the subsequent classification of pixels within the hyperspectral image. Users of hyperspectral images typically become familiar with individual images or sensors and often manually omit these bands before classification. We propose a process that automatically determines the spectral bands that may not contribute to classification and removes these bands from the image. Removal of these bands improves the classification performance of a well-researched hyperspectral test image by over 10% whilst reducing the size of the image from a data storage perspective by almost 30%...
R. Ian Faulconbridge, Mark R. Pickering, Michael J
Added 10 Jun 2010
Updated 10 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Where ACSC
Authors R. Ian Faulconbridge, Mark R. Pickering, Michael J. Ryan
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