

Coding and Modulation in Cameras: Computational Photography beyond Photo Manipulations

15 years 10 months ago
Coding and Modulation in Cameras: Computational Photography beyond Photo Manipulations
Computational photography is an emerging field combining smart optics, electronics, computer vision and graphics. Recent trends in enhancing the capabilities of a camera involve combining multiple photos taken with different camera parameters. In this talk, first I will describe gradient domain algorithms to combine photos taken with and without a flash for recovering high dynamic range images, removing glass reflections, shadows and flash hotspots. Then, I will discuss techniques of coding and modulation in cameras that go beyond such photo manipulations. I will describe several new camera designs including (a) gradient camera for high dynamic range imaging, (b) coded exposure camera for motion deblurring, (c) coded aperture for extending depth of field and (d) mask-enhanced cameras for capturing lightfields using optical modulation.
Amit Agrawal
Added 14 May 2009
Updated 26 May 2009
Authors Amit Agrawal
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