

Efficient Evaluation Methods of Elementary Functions Suitable for SIMD Computation

12 years 6 months ago
Efficient Evaluation Methods of Elementary Functions Suitable for SIMD Computation
Data-parallel architectures like SIMD (Single Instruction Multiple Data) or SIMT (Single Instruction Multiple Thread) have been adopted in many recent CPU and GPU architectures. Although some SIMD and SIMT instruction sets include double-precision arithmetic and bitwise operations, there are no instructions dedicated to evaluating elementary functions like trigonometric functions in double precision. Thus, these functions have to be evaluated one by one using an FPU or using a software library. However, traditional algorithms for evaluating these elementary functions involve heavy use of conditional branches and/or table look-ups, which are not suitable for SIMD computation. In this paper, efficient methods are proposed for evaluating the sine, cosine, arc tangent, exponential and logarithmic functions in double precision without table look-ups, scattering from, or gathering into SIMD registers, or conditional branches. We implemented these methods using the Intel SSE2 instruction set ...
Added 17 Jun 2012
Updated 25 Aug 2012
Authors Naoki Shibata
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