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SLEEF (SIMD Library for Evaluating Elementary Functions) is a library that facilitates programming with SIMD instructions. It implements the trigonometric functions, inverse trigon...
Data-parallel architectures like SIMD (Single Instruction Multiple Data) or SIMT (Single Instruction Multiple Thread) have been adopted in many recent CPU and GPU architectures. Al...
A unified computation method of vector and elementary functions is proposed for handheld 3D graphics systems. It unifies vector operations like vector multiply, multiply-and-add, d...
—The Table Maker’s Dilemma is the problem of always getting correctly rounded results when computing the elementary functions. After a brief presentation of this problem, we pr...
—Real number calculations on elementary functions are remarkably difficult to handle in mechanical proofs. In this paper, we show how these calculations can be performed within a...
Abstract. We consider various extensions and modifications of Shannon's General Purpose Analog Computer, which is a model of computation by differential equations in continuou...
We give the results of our search for the worst cases for correct rounding of the major elementary functions in double precision floating-point arithmetic. These results allow the...
There are many problems with the simplification of elementary functions, particularly over the complex plane. Systems tend to make “howlers” or not to simplify enough. In thi...
Robert M. Corless, James H. Davenport, David J. Je...
Simplification has been long recognised to be a fundamental problem within computer algebra[17]. However, even for the class of elementary functions, it has not been resolved in ...
James C. Beaumont, Russell J. Bradford, James H. D...
This paper considers representations for elementary functions such as polynomial, trigonometric, logarithmic, square root, and reciprocal functions. These real valued functions ar...