

The 3D Object Mediator: Handling 3D Models on Internet

14 years 6 months ago
The 3D Object Mediator: Handling 3D Models on Internet
The 3D Object MEdiator (3DOME 3 ) offers two services for handling 3D models: a modelshop and a renderfarm. These services can be consulted through the Internet. The modelshop meets the demands for brokerage of geometric descriptions of 3D models. People who create geometric models of objects can supply their models to the modelshop and 3DOME will offer them to potential customers. People who need models can browse through the model database and buy the models they need. The renderfarm, consisting of a large number of workstations and multi– processor computers, offers rendering services to generate animations and realistic images of large scenes. In general, these kinds of renderjobs cannot be done by a single workstation in an acceptable amount of time. 3DOME’s parallel rendering facilities may be very helpful for these jobs.
Arjan J. F. Kok, Joost van Lawick van Pabst, Hamid
Added 07 Aug 2010
Updated 07 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1997
Where HPCN
Authors Arjan J. F. Kok, Joost van Lawick van Pabst, Hamideh Afsarmanesh
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