

3V: cavity, channel and cleft volume calculator and extractor

13 years 7 months ago
3V: cavity, channel and cleft volume calculator and extractor
As larger macromolecular structures become available, there is a growing need to understand their `internal' volumes--such as deep clefts, channels and cavities--as these often play critical roles in their function. The 3V web server can automatically extract and comprehensively analyze all the internal volumes from input RNA and protein structures. It rapidly finds internal volumes by taking the difference between two rolling-probe solvent-excluded surfaces, one with as large as possible a probe radius and the other with a solvent radius (typically
Neil Voss, Mark Gerstein
Added 20 May 2011
Updated 20 May 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where NAR
Authors Neil Voss, Mark Gerstein
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