

Abbreviation definition identification based on automatic precision estimates

14 years 3 months ago
Abbreviation definition identification based on automatic precision estimates
Background: The rapid growth of biomedical literature presents challenges for automatic text processing, and one of the challenges is abbreviation identification. The presence of unrecognized abbreviations in text hinders indexing algorithms and adversely affects information retrieval and extraction. Automatic abbreviation definition identification can help resolve these issues. However, abbreviations and their definitions identified by an automatic process are of uncertain validity. Due to the size of databases such as MEDLINE only a small fraction of abbreviation-definition pairs can be examined manually. An automatic way to estimate the accuracy of abbreviation-definition pairs extracted from text is needed. In this paper we propose an abbreviation definition identification algorithm that employs a variety of strategies to identify the most probable abbreviation definition. In addition our algorithm produces an accuracy estimate, pseudo-precision, for each strategy without using a ...
Sunghwan Sohn, Donald C. Comeau, Won Kim, W. John
Added 09 Dec 2010
Updated 09 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Authors Sunghwan Sohn, Donald C. Comeau, Won Kim, W. John Wilbur
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