

Accurate decision trees for mining high-speed data streams

15 years 25 days ago
Accurate decision trees for mining high-speed data streams
In this paper we study the problem of constructing accurate decision tree models from data streams. Data streams are incremental tasks that require incremental, online, and any-time learning algorithms. One of the most successful algorithms for mining data streams is VFDT. In this paper we extend the VFDT system in two directions: the ability to deal with continuous data and the use of more powerful classification techniques at tree leaves. The proposed system, VFDTc, can incorporate and classify new information online, with a single scan of the data, in time constant per example. The most relevant property of our system is the ability to obtain a performance similar to a standard decision tree algorithm even for medium size datasets. This is relevant due to the any-time property. We study the behaviour of VFDTc in different problems and demonstrate its utility in large and medium data sets. Under a bias-variance analysis we observe that VFDTc in comparison to C4.5 is able to reduce t...
João Gama, Pedro Medas, Ricardo Rocha
Added 30 Nov 2009
Updated 30 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2003
Where KDD
Authors João Gama, Pedro Medas, Ricardo Rocha
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