

Active guidance of a handheld micromanipulator using visual servoing

14 years 10 months ago
Active guidance of a handheld micromanipulator using visual servoing
²In microsurgery, a surgeon often deals with anatomical structures of sizes that are close to the limit of the human hand accuracy. Robotic assistants can help to push beyond the current state of practice by integrating imaging and robot-assisted tools. This paper demonstrates control of a handheld tremor reduction micromanipulator with visual servo techniques, aiding the operator by providing three behaviors: snap-to, motion-scaling, and standoff-regulation. A stereo camera setup viewing the workspace under high magnification tracks the tip of the micromanipulator and the desired target object being manipulated. Individual behaviors activate in task-specific situations when the micromanipulator tip is in the vicinity of the target. We show that the snap-to behavior can reach and maintain a position at a target with an accuracy of µm Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) distance EHWZHHQWKHWLSDQGWDUJHW6FDOLQJWKHRSHUDWRU¶VPRWLRQVDQG preventing unwanted contact with non-target obj...
Brian C. Becker, Sandrine Voros, Robert A. MacLach
Added 23 May 2010
Updated 23 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where ICRA
Authors Brian C. Becker, Sandrine Voros, Robert A. MacLachlan, Gregory D. Hager, Cameron N. Riviere
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