

Adapted Dynamic Meshes for Deformable Surfaces

14 years 6 months ago
Adapted Dynamic Meshes for Deformable Surfaces
Deformable objects play an important role in many applications, such as animation and simulation. Effective computation with deformable surfaces can be achieved through the use of dynamic meshes. In this paper, we introduce a framework for constructing and maintaining a timevarying adapted mesh structure that conforms to the underlying deformable surface. The adaptation function employs error metrics based on stochastic sampling. Our scheme combines normal and tangential geometric correction with refinement and simplification resolution control. Furthermore, it applies to both parametric and implicit surface descriptions. As the result, we obtain a simple and efficient general scheme that can be used for a wide range of computations.
Fernando de Goes, Felipe P. G. Bergo, Alexandre X.
Added 12 Jun 2010
Updated 12 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Authors Fernando de Goes, Felipe P. G. Bergo, Alexandre X. Falcão, Siome Goldenstein
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