

Agent Architecture for a Real World Autonomous Virtual Guide: Interaction between the Decision and Perception Processes and Envi

14 years 1 months ago
Agent Architecture for a Real World Autonomous Virtual Guide: Interaction between the Decision and Perception Processes and Envi
Museums like marine aquariums are facing a difficult problem when trying to deliver information to their visitors. The exhibits they propose are dynamic by definition. Each may contain multiple autonomous entities that need to be described to the visitor. Classical communication means (panels, audio-guides ...) are static and do not adapt to the constraints of such exhibits. We propose to use an autonomous virtual guide embedded inside the environment in order to describe it to the visitors. To describe this environment and the entities it contains, the agent must be able to perceive it. Doing so is a challenging task due to the dynamic and non-predictable aspects of this environment. In this article, we propose an architecture able to build a partial representation of such an environment that tends to be the "best possible representation" depending on the ongoing task. This is possible by setting up an interaction loop between the perception and decision processes of our int...
Morgan Veyret, Eric Maisel, Jacques Tisseau
Added 12 Dec 2010
Updated 12 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Where IJVR
Authors Morgan Veyret, Eric Maisel, Jacques Tisseau
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