

Alpha-Frequency Rhythms Desynchronize over Long Cortical Distances: A Modeling Study

14 years 7 days ago
Alpha-Frequency Rhythms Desynchronize over Long Cortical Distances: A Modeling Study
Neocortical networks of excitatory and inhibitory neurons can display alpha()-frequency rhythms when an animal is in a resting or unfocused state. Unlike some - and -frequency rhythms, experimental observations in cats have shown that these -frequency rhythms need not synchronize over long cortical distances. Here, we develop a network model of synaptically coupled excitatory and inhibitory cells to study this asynchrony. The cells of the local circuit are modeled on the neurons found in layer V of the neocortex where -frequency rhythms are thought to originate. Cortical distance is represented by a pair of local circuits coupled with a delay in synaptic propagation. Mathematical analysis of this model reveals that the h and T currents present in layer V pyramidal (excitatory) cells not only produce and regulate the -frequency rhythm but also lead to the occurrence of spatial asynchrony. In particular, these inward currents cause excitation and inhibition to have nonintuitive effects ...
Stephanie R. Jones, David J. Pinto, Tasso J. Kaper
Added 18 Dec 2010
Updated 18 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2000
Where JCNS
Authors Stephanie R. Jones, David J. Pinto, Tasso J. Kaper, Nancy Kopell
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