
104views more  JCNS 2000»
14 years 7 days ago
Subthreshold Voltage Noise Due to Channel Fluctuations in Active Neuronal Membranes
Abstract. Voltage-gated ion channels in neuronal membranes fluctuate randomly between different conformational states due to thermal agitation. Fluctuations between conducting and ...
Peter N. Steinmetz, Amit Manwani, Christof Koch, M...
168views more  JCNS 2000»
14 years 7 days ago
Integrating Top-Down and Bottom-Up Sensory Processing by Somato-Dendritic Interactions
The classical view of cortical information processing is that of a bottom-up process in a feedforward hierarchy. However, psychophysical, anatomical, and physiological evidence sug...
Markus Siegel, Konrad P. Körding, Peter K&oum...
78views more  JCNS 2000»
14 years 7 days ago
Computational Consequences of Temporally Asymmetric Learning Rules: II. Sensory Image Cancellation
Abstract. The electrosensory lateral line lobe (ELL) of mormyridelectric sh is a cerebellum-likestructure that receives primarya erent input from electroreceptors in the skin. Purk...
Patrick D. Roberts, Curtis C. Bell
86views more  JCNS 2000»
14 years 7 days ago
Computational Modeling of Orientation Tuning Dynamics in Monkey Primary Visual Cortex
In the primate visual pathway, orientation tuning of neurons is first observed in the primary visual cortex. The LGN cells that comprise the thalamic input to V1 are not orientati...
M. C. Pugh, Dario L. Ringach, Robert Shapley, M. J...
68views more  JCNS 2000»
14 years 7 days ago
On the Simulation of Large Populations of Neurons
Abstract. The dynamics of large populations of interacting neurons is investigated. Redundancy present in sub
A. Omurtag, Bruce W. Knight, L. Sirovich
165views more  JCNS 2000»
14 years 7 days ago
A Population Density Approach That Facilitates Large-Scale Modeling of Neural Networks: Analysis and an Application to Orientati
We explore a computationally efficient method of simulating realistic networks of neurons introduced by Knight, Manin, and Sirovich (1996) in which integrate-and-fire neurons are ...
Duane Q. Nykamp, Daniel Tranchina
84views more  JCNS 2000»
14 years 7 days ago
Nonlinear Thermodynamic Models of Voltage-Dependent Currents
Hodgkin and Huxley provided the first quantitative description of voltage-dependent currents and adjusted their model to experimental data using empirical functions of voltage. A p...
Alain Destexhe, John R. Huguenard
109views more  JCNS 2000»
14 years 7 days ago
Dynamics of Sparsely Connected Networks of Excitatory and Inhibitory Spiking Neurons
The dynamics of networks of sparsely connected excitatory and inhibitory integrate-and-fire neurons are studied analytically. The analysis reveals a rich repertoire of states, incl...
Nicolas Brunel
67views more  JCNS 2000»
14 years 7 days ago
Renewal-Process Approximation of a Stochastic Threshold Model for Electrical Neural Stimulation
In a recent set of modeling studies we have developed a stochastic threshold model of auditory nerve response to single biphasic electrical pulses (Bruce et al., 1999c) and moderat...
Ian C. Bruce, Laurence S. Irlicht, Mark W. White, ...
142views more  JCNS 2000»
14 years 7 days ago
A Temporal Mechanism for Generating the Phase Precession of Hippocampal Place Cells
The phase relationship between the activity of hippocampal place cells and the hippocampal theta rhythm systematically precesses as the animal runs through the region in an environ...
Amitabha Bose, Victoria Booth, Michael Recce