

Analog Emulation of a Reconfigurable Tap Changing Transformer

14 years 6 months ago
Analog Emulation of a Reconfigurable Tap Changing Transformer
—Accurate analog models of power system components are required in order to realize an analog computation engine for power systems. Analog computation is an area of continued interest and has certain advantages over traditional digital computation. Among the advantages are physically realizable solutions and significantly faster computation times. This paper focuses on the development of a tap changing transformer model designed for a previously proposed method of analog power flow computation. Prior research in this field has modeled generators, loads and transmission lines. The transformer model proposed here provides a more accurate depiction of the network and captures the switching behavior of tap changing transformers. The transformer is modeled in analog form and a controller for the tap changing was developed in digital form. The model is verified via software simulation.
Aaron St. Leger, Juan C. Jimenez, Agung Fu, Sanal
Added 04 Jun 2010
Updated 04 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Authors Aaron St. Leger, Juan C. Jimenez, Agung Fu, Sanal Djimbinov, Sa Em Soeurn, Sun Sit Lwin, Chika O. Nwankpa
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