

Analysis and Design of Adaptive Self-Trimming Technique for A/D Converters

14 years 4 months ago
Analysis and Design of Adaptive Self-Trimming Technique for A/D Converters
A novel self-trimming algorithm for A/D converters [1,2] has been presented which continually trims thresholds in the flash A/D subconverters of two-stage and pipelined A/D converters. Roughly speaking, it trims thresholds up or down by small increments in such a way as to smooth out irregularities in the code density. This paper presents the mathematical analysis and design of the algorithm. The algorithm was analyzed by a novel two-dimensional z-transform introduced in [3], which can be used to demonstrate its stability, predict convergence rate, and which can be used to give a frequency-domain interpretation of the distinct properties of differential and integral nonlinearity.
Zhiqiang Gu, W. Martin Snelgrove
Added 09 Aug 2010
Updated 09 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1994
Authors Zhiqiang Gu, W. Martin Snelgrove
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