

Analytical Study of Object Components for Distributed and Ubiquitous Computing Environment

13 years 10 months ago
Analytical Study of Object Components for Distributed and Ubiquitous Computing Environment
: - The Distributed object computing is a paradigm that allows objects to be distributed across a heterogeneous network, and allows each of the components to interoperate as a unified whole. A new generation of distributed applications, such as telemedicine and e-commerce applications, are being deployed in heterogeneous and ubiquitous computing environments. The objective of this paper is to explore an applicability of a component based services in ubiquitous computational environment. While the fundamental structure of various distributed object components is similar, there are differences that can profoundly impact an application developer or the administrator of a distributed simulation exercise and to implement in Ubiquitous Computing Environment. Key-Words: - Ubiquitous Computing,, COM, DCOM, RMI, CORBA, SOAP
Usha Batra, Deepak Dahiya, Sachin Bhardwaj
Added 13 May 2011
Updated 13 May 2011
Type Journal
Year 2011
Where CORR
Authors Usha Batra, Deepak Dahiya, Sachin Bhardwaj
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