

Analyzing the Parameters of Prey-Predator Models for Simulation Games

13 years 11 months ago
Analyzing the Parameters of Prey-Predator Models for Simulation Games
Abstract—We describe and analyze emergent behavior and its effect for a class of preypredators’ simulation models. The simulation uses rule-based agent behavior and follows a prey-predator structure modulated by a number of user-assigned parameters. As part of our analysis, we present key parameter estimations for mapping the prey-predators’ simulation parameters to a functional relationship with the LV(Lotka-Volterra) model, and how the parameters interact and drive the evolution of the simulation.
Seongdong Kim, Christoph Hoffmann, Varun Ramachand
Added 28 Jan 2011
Updated 28 Jan 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where IWEC
Authors Seongdong Kim, Christoph Hoffmann, Varun Ramachandran
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