

Annotating Reusable Software Architectures with Specialization Patterns

14 years 4 months ago
Annotating Reusable Software Architectures with Specialization Patterns
An application framework is a collection of classes implementing the shared architecture of a family of applications. It is shown how the specialization interface ("hot spots") of a framework can be annotated with specialization patterns to provide task-based guidance for the framework specialization process. The specialization patterns define various structural, semantic, and coding constraints over the applications derived from the framework. We also present a tool that supports both the framework development process and the framework specialization process, based on the notion of specialization patterns. We will outline the basic concepts of the tool and discuss techniques to identify and specify specialization patterns as required by the tool. These techniques have been applied in realistic case studies for creating programming environments for application frameworks.
Markku Hakala, Juha Hautamäki, Kai Koskimies,
Added 31 Oct 2010
Updated 31 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2001
Authors Markku Hakala, Juha Hautamäki, Kai Koskimies, Jukka Paakki, Antti Viljamaa, Jukka Viljamaa
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