

Application Specific Datapath Extension with Distributed I/O Functional Units

15 years 2 months ago
Application Specific Datapath Extension with Distributed I/O Functional Units
Performance of an application can be improved through augmenting the processor with Application specific Functional Units (AFUs). Usually a cluster of operations identified from the application forms the behavior of an AFU. Several researchers studied the impact of Input and Output (I/O) constraints for a legal operation cluster on the overall achievable speedup. The general observation is that the speedup potential grows with the relaxation of I/O constraints. Going further, in this paper, we investigate the speedup potential of AFUs in the absence of I/O constraints. Design challenge in the absence of I/O constraints is addressed in a very practical manner, through the identification of maximal convex subgraphs. Usually the available register ports are few but the number of inputs/outputs of the identified patterns are likely to be large. We solve the register port limitation by the design of distributed I/O functional units, in which the operands are communicated in multiple cycles....
Nagaraju Pothineni, Anshul Kumar, Kolin Paul
Added 30 Nov 2009
Updated 30 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2007
Authors Nagaraju Pothineni, Anshul Kumar, Kolin Paul
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