

Applying Local Search to Temporal Reasoning

14 years 7 months ago
Applying Local Search to Temporal Reasoning
Local search techniques have attracted considerable interest in the Artificial Intelligence (AI) community since the development of GSAT [9] and the min-conflicts heuristic [5] for solving large propositional satisfiability (SAT) problems and binary Constraint Satisfaction Problems (CSPs) respectively. Newer SAT techniques, such as the Discrete Langrangian Method (DLM) [10], have significantly improved on GSAT and can also be applied to general constraint satisfaction and optimisation. However, local search has yet to be successfully employed in solving Temporal Constraint Satisfaction Problems (TCSPs). In this paper we argue that current formalisms for representing TCSPs are inappropriate for a local search approach, and we propose an alternative CSP-based endpoint ordering model for temporal reasoning. In particular we look at modelling and solving problems formulated using Allen’s interval algebra (IA) [1] and propose a new constraint weighting algorithm derived from DLM. Usi...
John Thornton, Matthew Beaumont, Abdul Sattar, Mic
Added 16 Jul 2010
Updated 16 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2002
Where TIME
Authors John Thornton, Matthew Beaumont, Abdul Sattar, Michael J. Maher
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