

Approximating Labelled Markov Processes Again!

14 years 7 months ago
Approximating Labelled Markov Processes Again!
Abstract. Labelled Markov processes are continuous-state fully probabilistic labelled transition systems. They can be seen as co-algebras of a suitable monad on the category of measurable space. The theory as developed so far included a treatment of bisimulation, logical characterization of bisimulation, weak bisimulation, metrics, universal domains for LMPs and approximations. Much of the theory involved delicate properties of analytic spaces. Recently a new kind of averaging procedure was used to construct approximations. Remarkably, this version of the theory uses a dual view of LMPs and greatly simplifies the theory eliminating the need to consider aanlytic spaces. In this talk I will survey some of the ideas that led to this work.
Philippe Chaput, Vincent Danos, Prakash Panangaden
Added 26 May 2010
Updated 26 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Authors Philippe Chaput, Vincent Danos, Prakash Panangaden, Gordon D. Plotkin
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