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Abstract. Recently, the authors presented a novel approach to computing resolutions and Betti numbers using Pommaret bases. For Betti numbers, this algorithm is for most examples m...
This survey of mathematical approaches to quasi-steady state (QSS) phenomena provides an analytical foundation for an algorithmicalgebraic treatment of the associated (parameter-de...
Abstract. In this paper we present the computer-supported theory exploration, including both formalization and verification, of a theory in commutative algebra, namely the theory ...
We outline a method for computing the tangent cone of a space curve at any of its points. We rely on the theory of regular chains and Puiseux series expansions. Our approach is nov...
For predual categories C and D we establish isomorphisms between opfibrations representing local varieties of languages in C, local pseudovarieties of D-monoids, and finitely ge...
Modules over monads (or: actions of monads on endofunctors) are structures in which a monad interacts with an endofunctor, composed either on the left or on the right. Although us...
We introduce a method to lift monads on the base category of a fibration to its total category using codensity monads. This method, called codensity lifting, is applicable to var...
We show that for a commutative quantale V every functor Set −→ V-cat has an enriched leftKan extension. As a consequence, coalgebras over Set are subsumed by coalgebras over V...
A format for well-behaved translations between structural operational specifications is derived from a notion of distributive law morphism, previously studied by Power and Watana...